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Acesse nossas publicações e artigos para conhecer mais sobre o impacto dos nossos projetos e a promoção de uma cultura de paz e direitos humanos.

Relatório de Atividades 2017/2018
Livro Digital
Experiência de Empatia

19 de fev. de 2019
Biennial Report - 2017/18
We are happy to publish the 2017/2018 Biennial Report! These two years represented deep maturity for the Institute and we deserve to celebra
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9 de set. de 2015
Experience #39 - Mongolia
Mongolia was in my list of unmissable countries. It’s hard to tell the reasons, but I had a reference from them as a peaceful people and...
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24 de ago. de 2015
Experience #36 - Macau and Hong Kong
I need to write about Macau and Hong Kong together because they have a quite peculiar form of government. Both are defined as Special...
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11 de ago. de 2015
Experience #34 - Philippines
The country is distant from all others, has more than seven thousand islands and it’s where English is more commonly spoken among all...
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13 de jul. de 2015
Thought #13 - What is this change that the world needs?
When I planned this trip, besides wanting to learn and know myself the objective was also to share the intensity of the experiences to...
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29 de jun. de 2015
Experience #30 - Myanmar or Burma
The country is called Myanmar and before used to be Burma… It’s a presidential republic with a weird democracy, as the current government...
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5 de jun. de 2015
Experience #28 - Tilonia, India
Our month in India was intense due to many reasons. Besides my big expectation of going there, we could be in cities with quite different...
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26 de mai. de 2015
Experience #27 - Retreat in India – Vipassana
Do you want to know who you are? Breath and observe! Among many plans of this journey, doing a retreat was fundamental to me. Especially...
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19 de mai. de 2015
Experience #25 - Auroville, Índia
I am back to the magic place that awoke so many changes on me… We arrived in India! Now I am together with my love and best friend,...
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30 de abr. de 2015
Experience #24 - Sri Lanka
Now we are finally in Asia and started in a majorly Buddhist country, Sri Lanka. I remembered all the principles I’ve learned in a...
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22 de abr. de 2015
Experience #23 - Jordan and The Middle East
The last country we’ve been in the Middle East was Jordan and departing to Asia I was thinking about what was the main learning of these...
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15 de abr. de 2015
Experience #22 - Lebanon
I am still in doubt if we passed through Lebanon or if they were cheating me and we’re in Brazil. The connection was so big that it’s...
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11 de abr. de 2015
Experience #21 - Israel
I’ve always wanted to go to Israel as I like a lot everything that’s different and of course this land has very keen particularities,...
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19 de mar. de 2015
Thought #9 - Do you know yourself and do you care?
Dentre as infinitas conclusões que tiro dos aprendizados dessa viagem, o critério de felicidade de cada um é o que mais martela meu...
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10 de mar. de 2015
Experience #20 - Iran
The airplane landed and we walked towards the immigration. In my turn the police officer asked me to cover my head with the scarf I was...
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26 de fev. de 2015
Thought #8 - About the world’s problems
Some time ago I found out that life goes exactly on the way you choose to guide it. It seems to be one of those clichés, but I am the...
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17 de fev. de 2015
Experience #19 - Oman
The famous expectation was smashed, positively, in our encounter with the sultanate of Oman. It’s a fact that our head is influenced by a...
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9 de fev. de 2015
Experience #18 - Ethiopia
When we started to plan the initial route of the project, Ethiopia was one of the priority countries. The reason behind it is all the...
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29 de jan. de 2015
Thought #7 - What about more generosity?
After almost six months living day to day with people in the streets of more than thirty African cities, my self-conflict of wanting to...
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20 de jan. de 2015
Experience #17 - Wagoma, Kenya
For me some Experiences are harder to put on paper. I’ve been learning so many things that I have difficulties to organize all in my head...
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